Liz June 15th, 2017
A new kohekohe was planted at Roy Clements Treeway today, on the lawn near Alberton Avenue. The tree was provided by Watercare Services to replace a tree removed from the Treeway to allow geotechnical drilling for the Central Interceptor.
Kohekohe is a distinctive species which grows in the warmer parts of NZ. Tiritiri Matangi usually has many kohekohe trees in flower in April/ May. We are hoping it will grow to provide food for birds such as kereru.

Thanks to Bojan, Stephen, David and the Watercare team for the consultation and care taken. We trust it will grow well and provide enjoyment for many people.
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Liz June 4th, 2017
STEPS will be holding its Annual General Meeting on
Tuesday 27 June, 2017, 7pm, at Alberton House, 100 Mt Albert Road.

After the AGM, there will be a presentation by a water biologist on:
Water Quality in Meola Creek: Threats & Opportunities
followed by updates and discussion on topical issues including Upper Meola Creek Rehabilitation, Meola Creek Wetlands and Enhancements, and Central Interceptor, plus issues raised by attendees.
Come along and have your say !
Please note the date and pass on the information to anyone who might be interested.
A flyer for distribution or posting can be downloaded here :
All welcome – hope to see you at historic Alberton house at the top of the catchment.
Thanks to Alberton for providing our venue for over 10 years now.
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