Liz July 14th, 2017
Looking for ways to help the community and the local environment? Below are a few ideas – see also the blog giving contact numbers.

Contact STEPS to become a member, volunteer, help out with weeds, or share concerns
- Pick up rubbish – let people know dropping rubbish is not acceptable
- See dead or wounded animals in the park – call Auckland Council Parks
- See an open or flowing manhole – call Auckland Council

- Call the pollution hotline when you see a dirty stream – they may find the source of the problem
- Call the supermarket when you see their trolleys in the creek
- Wheel trolleys out of parks and on to the street for pickup

- Use gobi blocks/ permeable surface in your back yard instead of concrete
“a catchment with 10-20% impervious surface may receive twice the original stormwater runoff volumes during a storm; a catchment with 35-50% impervious area may experience a three-fold increase; and with 75%+ impervious, an area will have a five-fold increase in stormwater”
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Tags: Meola Creek
Liz July 14th, 2017
If you see a problem in parks or creeks – please phone it in. Below are some key contact numbers, and also some street addresses for the upper creek/ Roy Clements Treeway/ Kerr Taylor Park, so you can help them locate the problem.
If there is a missing, dislodged or damaged manhole cover, or a blocked public drain, phone:
- Auckland Council – Healthy Waters urgently on 09 301 0101

“48% of stormwater in combined sewer areas comes from Auckland Transport roads
52% from private property roofs and impervious surfaces”
Pollution in the water
For stormwater pollution, including pollutants being discharged into creeks and streams
- Auckland Council Pollution Hotline 09 377 3107
Damage to Parks, streams, or dead/ wounded animals in parks
Trolley Information
If you find trolleys in the creek, please phone them in to the retailer.
- 0800-404040 or St Lukes Branch 2552382 -blue and green handle
- Warehouse ; 09 8469534 – red ones
- Kmart 0800 944553 – other red ones
Then post a photo on Facebook or Neighbourly if still there.
Street Addresses – Roy Clements Treeway, Kerr Taylor Park, Ahurangi
- Roy Clements Treeway 30 Alberton Ave or
- Roy Clements Treeway 15 Lyon Ave or
- Roy Clements Treeway 1 Wagener Pl (Noel Leeming carpark)
- Kerr Taylor Park 35 Fergusson Ave or
- Kerr Taylor Park 164A Haverstock Rd
Kerr Taylor Park is also called Fergusson Reserve!
“Every millimetre of rain falling on a square meter of impermeable surface produces one litre of stormwater runoff” – Auckland Council.

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Tags: Meola Creek
Andrew Mackintosh July 8th, 2017
Weather update: its a little foggy this morning, but the clean up is going ahead. Bring a rain jacket just in case. Looking forward to seeing the clean up team down at Kerr Taylor Park at 10am!
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