Liz June 21st, 2019
Watercare Services have now achieved Auckland Council approval for the following enhancement projects in association with four of the five Meola Central Interceptor sites: Norgrove restoration, MAGS tributary planting, Kura Kaupapa tributary planting and Roy Clements Treeway privet control.
We thank both Watercare and GreensceneNZ especially Christy Reynolds (Ecologist), Brent Evans and Bernice Chiam; also Huw Hill-Male and others in Auckland Council. Work will start in July 2019. STEPS is delighted that Waitītiko will be enhanced, and the local community will benefit.

Please contact us via this blog site if you want to participate or would like further information.
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Liz June 19th, 2019
On 16 April 2019 Auckland Council commissioners granted Auckland Council Healthy Waters a network discharge consent for the diversion and discharge consent for all of the existing and future stormwater discharge from the public stormwater network. Here is the decision.
While we appreciated the public notification and we supported the goal of aligning the range of HW stormwater consents into one framework, STEPS had submitted jointly with Oakley Creek opposing several aspects of this consent. We consider that “all future stormwater discharge” is far too broad given the problematic situation now. Further we see no standards for what can be discharged.
Following our submissions, we were later shocked at the lack of consultation with residents and groups such as STEPS. Special follow up sessions were held by Healthy Waters consent team with various corporate groups who had concerns, but none with other submitters such as Forest and Bird, SASOC (Stop Auckland Sewage Overflows Coalition) or STEPS. On 31 May STEPS and Friends of Oakley Creek jointly became section 274 participants to the appeals of both Forest and Bird and SASOC, to try to achieve some more balance and involvement of ratepayers in the discharge consent process. For us this is about clean water, as stormwater is the major driver of pollution in Meola Creek.
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Liz June 15th, 2019
Whitebait Connection have an exciting project to aid inanga to spawn in Meola Creek. High levels of rats and mice near the eggs mean we need your help.
There are a number of trapping courses being run separately so limited experience is OK.
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