Time to install our own rainwater tanks? Here’s how!
Liz July 24th, 2020
Auckland Council Healthy Waters is working on an initiative to promote the installation and use of residential rainwater tanks across Auckland. This is in response to the current drought situation and to encourage Aucklanders to be more water resilient and empower us to be part of the water solution.
Is it time for a water tank? 4 page flyer
Installing a rainwater tank – A guide to getting a consent 2 page flyer

A cross-Council team is working to provide more information about the consent process to install a water tank and remove costs where possible. On July 1 2020 Council took the first step by removing resource consent fees for rainwater tank only applications for residential homes (in the vast majority of cases).
Below are several pieces of collateral and links to information that you may find useful.
Link to Auckland Council website content on rainwater tanks – www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/rainwatertank
Online tool ‘Do I need a consent?’ to identify if a consent is required and guide people through the process – https://onlineservices.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/councilonline/yform/decisiontool?productCode=DECISION_RAINWATER_TANK
Media release published on Our Auckland – https://ourauckland.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/articles/news/2020/06/council-makes-it-easier-for-aucklanders-to-collect-rainwater/
If you would like any further information about this initiative, please contact hwrainwatertank@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz