Meola water infrastructure – launch of Hiwa-i-te-Rangi
Liz August 3rd, 2021
Watercare launched the giant TBM (tunnel boring machine) Hiwa-i-te-Rangi on Friday 30 July. The appearance of Matariki star cluster signals the beginning of the Māori New Year, and Hiwa-i-te-Rangi is the star associated with granting our wishes, and realising our aspirations for the coming year. It’s an auspicious name for the TBM.
STEPS members were invited to the industry day on Friday 30 July for the TBM launch of Watercare’s Central Interceptor (CI) project. Since Waititiko Meola Creek has been used as the major conduit for sewage and stormwater overflows for more than a century, STEPS has taken an active interest in Watercare’s CI Project and the wider Western Isthmus strategy since our inception in 2005.
Our Patron Roy Clements came along, talking with Watercare and taking many photos. He commented that the last time he visited the area, he hosted Auckland’s Mayor Robbie to a Civic Trust seminar on waste water processing. That was in July 1989 – 32 years ago, and Mayor Robbie was the visionary who set up innovative oxidation ponds at Mangere to replace various harbour outfalls. which caused visible damage to the harbours. STEPS is very fortunate to be able to build on Roy’s work and have his wisdom and experience on hand.
We all enjoyed the sights, and the information and displays provided by Watercare. A cup of coffee and genuine Italian gelato topped off our day. Thank you Watercare, we wish Hiwa-i-te-Rangi well for the 14.2 km journey along Meola Creek and on to Grey Lynn. We were happy to be there for another significant moment in the history of Tamaki Makaurau.