Archive for the 'Community Interests' Category

Current Projects – Signs in Roy Clements Treeway

December 9th, 2016

STEPS has asked Auckland Council for updates to the interpretive  signs on the Roy Clements treeway, and 7 signs are now in the Albert Eden Local Board budget for July 2016-June 2017.

We are modifying existing signs, updating the text / photos and relocating some;  adding also a map.   One particular concern we have is in relation to the strength and nature of the materials and their accessibility / location. Since vandalism (tagging) remains an issue AC cleans them regularly. AC will soon appoint a technical designer to assist.


STEPS has drafted text and started collecting photos old and new. Some of the main topics we are working with are:

  • Mount Albert Grammar School and Roy Clements
  • Community restoration planting
  • Health of waterways
  • Wetlands
  • Springs and aquifers


We also plan the use of QR codes for more detail, by placing on each sign a QR code which refers to a particular web page. People use their mobiles to link for further information.  – eg species list for each different location.  Over time we could include birds & fish as well as plants.

If you have photos or ideas please contact us through our web site.

STEPS AGM 2016 – 31 May 2016

May 15th, 2016

STEPS will be holding its AGM on

Tuesday May 31, 2016, 7pm, at Alberton House (100 Mt Albert Road)

After the AGM, there will be brief updates on several topical issues including:

– Designation of Roy Clements Treeway as a “Significant Ecological Area” (SEA): Why is it important and What does it mean?

– Central Interceptor: Core samples, Cross-sections & Future plans

– Meola Creek: General updates

– 2016 Plantings: Wetland & Rock forest

Following the updates, there will be a general panel/floor discussion for these issues and those raised by the audience.

Come along and have your say!!

Please note the date and pass on the information to anyone who might be interested.

A flyer for distribution or posting can be downloaded here: STEPS_2016 AGM_Flyer

All welcome – hope to see you there…

STEPS AGM 2015 – 6 August 2015

July 21st, 2015

STEPS will be holding its AGM on

Thursday August 6, 2015, 7pm, at Alberton House (100 Mt Albert Road)

After the AGM, there will be brief updates on several topical issues including:

– Meola Creek water quality monitoring results

– 2015 plantings in wetland and rock forest

– Central Interceptor and its impact on the Roy Clements Treeway (Watercare Services)

Following the updates, there will be a general panel/floor discussion for these issues and those raised by the audience.

Come along and have your say!!

Please note the date and pass on the information to anyone who might be interested.

A flyer for distribution or posting can be downloaded here: AGM flyer – August 2015

All welcome – hope to see you there…

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