Archive for the 'Community Interests' Category

Contacts for Meola Creek Problems

March 31st, 2009

Pollution incidents should be reported immediately to ARC hotline:

Phone 377-3107

Abandoned shopping trolleys should be reported to:

Ellen Schindler Project Officer Compliance

Auckland City Environments

Auckland City Council
T: 353 9126

F: 353 9668

Blockages in the creek, other rubbish dumping in the creek, or problems relating to the boardwalk in the Mt Albert Grammar school grounds should be reported to:

Phillip Johansen


T: 624-4800

Tagging, stray dogs, problems with signs, graffiti or other items in the Kerr Taylor Reserve should be reported to:

Auckland City

T: 379-2020




Meola Creek

Auckland City Council – owner

One of only 5 Auckland City creeks owned by Auckland City and managed by Metrowater

Water and waste water (including sewage)

Metrowater – ‘Retail’ sewers

Watercare Services – ‘Wholesale’ sewers and outfalls at 96 Haverstock Rd and 3 Lyon Ave

Storm water

Auckland City Council – owner

Combined sewers (storm water and waste water)

Auckland City Council – owner

Contracts Metrowater to separate the sewers and jointly decide funding/ priorities

Creek bed

DOC – owns the water course in Meola Creek

DOC advises that it is managed by Auckland City Council

Water quality in Meola Creek

Auckland City

Meola Creek and Local Body By-Election

March 18th, 2009

STEPS is pleased to note that the City Vision Team included “Cleaning up polluted creeks such as Meola Creek and Oakley Creek” on their election pamphlet.

National Fresh Water Management Policy

January 27th, 2009

The Ministry of Environment is developing objective and policies for managing New Zealand’s freshwater resources.  See

STEPS has joined with Friends of Oakley Creek to make a submission  to ensure that the plight of urban streams is recognised and appropriate actions considered. The submission is attached.

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