Roy Clements Treeway Planting Sunday May 30th
stephen June 6th, 2010
On 30 May 2010 we had huge muster of 40-50 people for the planting of the south west stream bank by MAGS. Approximately 1200 plants were completed by 11.15, when we all enjoyed a sausage sizzle. It was a beautiful day, with perfect planting conditions after all the rain we have had.
We were thrilled to have continuing care from Roy Clements, Wai Care, Metrowater, Morphum and other supporters – our thanks to all. Our next planting is on 20 June – see notice below.
Also we will be continue with planting of the area with MAGS students on June 18th and the maintenance contractor All Drains, will be planting the inaccessible areas and under the pine trees etc soon.