Archive for the 'STEPS' Category

STEPS AGM highlights, weeds, Westmere Coastal walkway and Central Interceptor

July 4th, 2012

STEPS AGM was held on 14 June 2012 at Alberton.

Some of the highlights were:
– a presentation on weeds in Meola catchment by Melissa Marler
– a talk from Sandra Anderson on the new “Westmere Coastal walkway” which will extend to Te Tokaroa/ Meola Reef and is funded by the Waitemata Local Board
– a presentation on the Central Interceptor by Watercare Services.

A resolution was passed as follows: That STEPS seek to agree a process whereby STEPS can pro-actively work with Watercare during the planning / construction of the Central Interceptor, particularly in relation to the three upper Meola sites (Haverstock, Lyon Ave, Mt Albert Memorial), and with regard to daylighting, stream naturalisation and landscaping.

Meola Creek Planting Day, Sunday June 24th

June 11th, 2012

The next planting day at Meola Creek is Sunday 24th June, 1pm to 3.30pm – Meola Creek (Roy Clements Treeway), St. Lukes. Please meet at: Alberton Avenue entrance, Mt. Albert.

Join the St. Lukes Environmental Protection Society (STEPS) for our winter planting. The planting will involved a combination of stream-side and volcanic lava forest planting.
Spread the word, download the poster for more details.
Last year volunteers planted more than 15,000 native trees and plants. We’d love you to be part of this year’s effort.
Funded by the Albert/Eden Local Board

STEPS AGM this Thursday 14/6/12 7:00 pm, Historic Alberton House, 100 Mt Albert Rd

June 10th, 2012


Annual General Meeting & Presentation about the Central Interceptor and Its Effects on Auckland, Meola Creek and Surrounding Areas.


After the AGM, Mike Sheffield of Watercare Services will give a presentation on the progress of the Central Interceptor. Watercare has planned the new Central Interceptor as a solution to the sewerage problems in Auckland. Mike will cover the overall plan as well as its effects on Meola Creek and our surrounding areas.
This is a large project, and community input is invited.
Please come along and have your say.
Where: Historic Alberton House, 100 Mt Albert Rd
When: 7pm, Thursday, 14 June 2012

See flyer for details (and revealing photo of Meola Creek in flood)

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