Archive for the 'STEPS' Category

MAGS wants to shut gate on neighbours

June 16th, 2010

Mount Albert Grammar School Cuts Community Links
STEPS is very disappointed at recent initiatives by Mt Albert Grammar School (MAGS) to cut down old trees, build a high iron fence, and block the path which links the MAGS school farm and Alberton Ave with Kerr Taylor Reserve, Meola Creek and Fergusson Ave.

Over the past few years STEPS and MAGS have worked very well together – and only 2 weeks ago STEPS planted the stream side in the school grounds near the boarding school. So STEPS was shocked when MAGS started cutting down some old and stately trees along its Eastern Boundary with the Reserve. MAGS had also blocked the path through to the school farm – apparently for some leaky building site works.

STEPS held two meetings with MAGS over a 12 month period. At the first the school representative denied any knowledge when questioned about school plans regarding the path. In the past week it appears that Head Master Dale Burden has left instructions that the fence is to be finished during his absence in Europe on a fellowship; and that the path to the farm will not be reopened.

The work done by MAGS to help build and plant a boardwalk along the creek, and to fence off and protect the upper tributary which is on their farm is very good. But now they run the risk of severing for all time the links between the two tributaries; and the pedestrian links between Mt Albert and Sandringham. The trees are already gone (see photos attached).

ACTION: If you do not agree with this – please contact STEPS (via this website) or MAGS Headmaster – and cc: STEPS.


Boundary trees before pruning

Boundary trees before felling

Boundary trees now

Boundary trees now

Next Meola Creek Planting Day June 20th

June 13th, 2010

Please find a flyer attached for our next planting day on Sunday June 20, from 10 am.   The planting will involve additional planting in the wetland created last year adjacent to the boardwalk along the Roy Clements Treeway. The approximate location is,174.729341&daddr=&geocode=&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=17&sll=-36.885084,174.729435&sspn=0.006814,0.008862&ie=UTF8&ll=-36.885653,174.729373&spn=0.003407,0.004431&t=h&z=18

Any time you can spare is always welcome.

Planting Day June 20th Flyer

Roy Clements Treeway Planting Sunday May 30th

June 6th, 2010

On 30 May 2010 we had huge muster of 40-50 people for the planting of the south west stream bank by MAGS. Approximately 1200 plants were completed by 11.15, when we all enjoyed a sausage sizzle. It was a beautiful day, with perfect planting conditions after all the rain we have had.

We were thrilled to have continuing care from Roy Clements, Wai Care, Metrowater, Morphum and other supporters – our thanks to all. Our next planting is on 20 June – see notice below.

Also we will be continue with planting of the area with MAGS students on June 18th and the maintenance contractor All Drains, will be planting the inaccessible areas and under the pine trees etc soon.

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