Liz May 4th, 2017
Join members of the St Lukes Environmental Protection Society (STEPS) for the community planting at Roy Clements Treeway, Meola Creek. Come along with your family and friends for a couple of hours of planting and help improve the native biodiversity of the area.
When: Sunday 21 May 2017 at 10.30 am
Where: Kerr Taylor Reserve end of Treeway, 35 Fergusson Ave, Mt Albert
What to bring: Sunhat, sunblock, raincoat, water bottle, gardening gloves and a spade, if you have them.

For further information contact us via our website. If it rains, we will post
an update on the STEPS website. Thanks to Albert-Eden Local Board for its support.

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Liz August 3rd, 2016
STEPS held the 2016 AGM on 31 May. Speakers included:
- David Barker, Auckland Council speaking on Significant Ecological Areas
- Professor Simon Milne of AUT announcing support for STEPS website
- David Ward of Watercare Services updating us on the large sewerage project which impacts Meola Creek.
The Report of the Chair is attached along with photos of planting and other activities in 2015-16 year.
Thanks to all our members and supporters for their ongoing involvement in improving Meola Creek.
MEOLA CREEK AND STEPS 2015-16 publish
MEOLA CREEK AND STEPS 2015-16 AELBSTEPS-Chairpersons Report 2015-16 v1.3 Final
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Freddie July 14th, 2013
This year, the Albert Eden Local Board offered to fund the restoration of a site in lower Meola near the Moa Reserve in Point Chevalier. STEPS successfully applied for the funding, and will be working with a team run by Katherine Read of Wai Care, including Te Ngahere and local people, to carry out the planting and weed control.
Initially, we have arranged for a joint planting day, and are hoping for a good turnout of STEPS members and supporters to support this initiative downstream from our usual area of focus.
The details are below – hope to see you there
There will be a lower Meola Planting day on the slopes of MOTAT opposite Moa Reserve on Saturday 20 July from 10:30am onward.
Where: MOTAT – Main entrance off Meola Road. You can park in the MOTAT carpark and request access from the staff in the hanger if no Wai Care co-ordinator is present at the time of your arrival. Follow the signage to the planting site. See map:
Planting Location 20.07.13
What to bring: Gumboots, old clothes and wet weather gear, gloves, a water bottle and a spade if you have one!
Please feel free to pass this on to anyone who may be interested…..
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