Watercare advises: we regret to inform you the Norgrove Lava Rock Forest Planting day organised by Watercare for the Saturday 17th July has been Cancelled. We have made the decision to cancel the event due to the severe rainfall predicted for tomorrow.
STEPS and Watercare are delighted to announce the first planting for the restoration of Meola Waitītiko Rock Forest alongside Meola Creek.
When:Sat 17 July, 2021
Time:10:00 am – 1:30 pm
Meet: End of Norgrove Avenue, Mt Albert
Towards the stream
Weather Update: As of 16th it looks like rain on Saturday.
What to bring on the day
Bring your gumboots, a pair of gloves, your refillable water bottle and wear something
Sel & Liz from STEPS joined dedicated volunteer staff from Plant and Food. We are clearing invasive weeds like moth plant, madeira vine, and woolly nightshade from their amazing and unique heritage plant collection. Removing pest plants from the top of Meola catchment reduces the odds of windblown seeds spreading further down the creek, improving the stream and its environs. Thanks to the team including Warren from STAMP.
Waitītiko and Point Chev community have a fantastic group of neighbours who are restoring rock forest opposite Kanuka St. STEPS is thrilled by progress made in removing wattles and many pest plants, uncovering native plants and seedlings, and even planting some new kohekohe, carex, flax and other. Meola Creek critters will be have better habitat and its banks will support more indigenous species day by day, year by year. Thanks Damien, Mary, Chris and Dan – you are inspirational.