Damage to Waitītiko on our watch…

July 31st, 2019

In Haverstock Rd, Te Kouka Lane’s parallel parking is being roughly converted to angle parking, thereby encroaching further onto the already narrow Meola creek Waititiko. Surely poor planning of this development shouldn’t be paid for by the stream?

Already the developer tore out kowhai trees during development. Enough is enough in our view.  Thanks to Mac, STEPS has contacted Auckland Council and an Albert Eden Local Board member. We will publish the responses.

Image may contain: car, outdoor and nature
Image may contain: plant, outdoor and nature
Image may contain: plant, car, tree, grass, outdoor and nature
Image may contain: car, outdoor and nature

Join us for the August Planting on the Roy Clements Treeway

Roy Clements Treeway improvements

July 10th, 2019

For many years we have been concerned by several large privets in the midst of the lava rock forest on the Roy Clements Treeway. While they provide food for birds they also create the risk of exotic pest plants outgrowing the local species, and provide a large seed source of weeds. The health of many people with respiratory conditions are affected by  privet when they are in flower.

We are pleased that Watercare and Council contractors will be removing several privets next week.  They have chosen to do it during the school holidays to minimise the impact on the local community.

Closure:  Most of the Roy Clements Treeway will be closed during week starting 15th July.

This will allow the arborists to remove these pest trees in a way that will ensure public safety.   There will be signs at each entrance regarding the closure.

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