Norgrove Reserve Working Bee 11th November

STEPS at Weona Walkway

October 18th, 2017

Saturday 14 October was a sunny day and we had a good turnout for the Weona Walkway.

The location is on the harbour in Waiateao Motions Creek estuary looking directly across to Te Tokaroa Meola Reef – another ecological gem which Auckland Council and Waitemata Local Board should restore. Many birds live at this beautiful place. See Map of Weona-Westmere coastal walkway.

Vounteers Yoshi and Helen turned up to help Jeanette and Sandra, and STEPS Members Mac, Pat, Dennis, Liz and Sel all had an enjoyable morning. 

We tackled an area full of privet with some honeysuckle, ginger, montbretia and other problem plants. We also gathered some woolly nightshade fruit further north along the track. Jeanette meanwhile picked up 8-9 bags of rubbish further south towards the scout den on Meola road.

Thanks to all volunteers and to Sarah and Council for their support. Special thanks to Jeanette, Mac, Sel and Sarah for helping organise our day.

We trust that the vision shown by the Waitemata Local Board in restoring this harbour fringe will be reflected in the upcoming ecological restoration of Te Tokaroa where there is further potential for birds and ecological habitat which future generations of Aucklanders will appreciate.  Nearby Waiorea Western Springs with 9.6 million cubic meters per year of available spring water is the largest aquifer under Auckland Council’s protection; it too is under consideration by Waitemata Local Board and Auckland Council for enhancement soon.

Proposed Stormwater Infrastructure – Western Isthmus

October 13th, 2017

Attached is the long awaited proposal for stormwater and wastewater work around the planned Central Interceptor.

It is an agenda item for Tuesday’s October 2017 Auckland Council Environment and Community Committee.

It includes: stormwater separation, wastewater tunnel from Grey Lynn etc.

STEPS has been working on waste water improvements with Manukau Harbour Restoration Society, Friends of Oakley Creek and others for many years.  This year SASOC and ourselves have held several rounds of meetings with Watercare, Auckland Council, Members of the Governing Body, and presented at the September Environment and Community Meeting.  We are pleased to see a proposal on the table though are yet to review it in detail and formulate a response.

Please take a look at: Agenda of Environment and Community Committee – 17 October 2017

Then contact STEPS if you have any comments or suggestions for more action.

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