STEPS AGM 2016-17

June 28th, 2017

Thanks to all who attended our meeting last evening – we were delighted by the turnout on a cold night!

The talk by Gemma Tolich Allen was very stimulating and well received. We realised that the Central Interceptor will connect our Waititiko Meola communities with those in Manukau in a very real way when our surplus stormwater volumes are sent to Mangere wastewater treatment plant for processing and  release into the Manukau Harbour.

The talks by David Ward, Nick Goldwater and Mac Mackintosh were also both interesting and appreciated.

Thanks to all the committee who worked hard to make it successful. We particularly welcome new member Mac to the committee.  Mac announced a monthly working group on the second Saturday of each month at 10 am, starting with an Ahurangi cleanup.  More info to follow.

A particularly special moment came when Roy Clements, our long time Patron accepted a life membership of STEPS presented by Pat Prescott. Pat thanked him for his long contribution to the landscape around Meola Creek and wider Auckland, as well as his personal support for STEPS.


Western Springs Aquifer protection and Stormwater

June 21st, 2017

Meola Creek and Albert Eden Local Board area are underlain by the largest aquifer under Auckland Council’s protection. It is so large it has at least 3 different names “Three Kings-Meola-Western Springs”.

STEPS has submitted to Albert Eden, Waitemata and Puketepapa Local Boards asking them to adopt a joint strategy to protecting the aquifer and restoring the creeks and wetlands associated with it.

STEPS has also pointed out the need for stormwater infrastructure in Albert Eden area.  While Meola is the largest catchment on the isthmus, it has the least stormwater infrastructure.  The Central interceptor will provide sewerage/ wastewater pipes. It is essential that it is supplemented by stormwater pipes to treat heavy metals and runoff from our roads.  The Unitary plan intends to add 2 sq kilometers more of impervious hard surfaces -adding millions of cubic meters of stormwater each year. Despite this, Long Term Plan and Stormwater Asset Management Plans specify zero expenditure in Meola catchment.   We are working with a Stormwater/ Wastewater coalition to bring these facts to the attention of our Mayor and Councillors. Without stormwater infrastructure, any housing & intensifications plans will fail to meet people’s needs. See STEPS Submission

We note that in 2017 Minister Nick Smith accepted an application for a Water Conservation Order (WCO) for the coldwater springs in Golden Bay — and for the Arthur Marble aquifer that feeds them.  We applaud recognition of such a valuable taonga.

Meola-Western Springs Aquifer along with Mt Wellington and Onehunga Aquifers hold 55% of the underground water in Auckland. These three aquifers on the Auckland isthmus have approximately 6% of the water availability of Pupu Springs.

ACTION REQUESTS : – please make sure your Local Board and Councillors know how important clean water is to Auckland.

Join STEPS and come along to our cleanup days – second Saturday of every month. Watch this site for location.

Kohekohe tree

June 15th, 2017

A new kohekohe was planted at Roy Clements Treeway today, on the lawn near Alberton Avenue. The tree was provided by Watercare Services to replace a tree removed from the Treeway to allow geotechnical drilling for the Central Interceptor.

Kohekohe is a distinctive species which grows in the warmer parts of NZ.  Tiritiri Matangi usually has many kohekohe trees in flower in April/ May.  We are hoping it will grow to provide food for birds such as kereru.

Thanks to Bojan, Stephen, David and the Watercare team for the consultation and care taken. We trust it will grow well and provide enjoyment for many people.

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