Invitation to STEPS AGM Tuesday 27 June 7pm

June 4th, 2017

STEPS will be holding its Annual General Meeting on
Tuesday 27 June, 2017, 7pm, at Alberton House, 100 Mt Albert Road.

After the AGM, there will be a presentation by a water biologist on:

Water Quality in Meola Creek: Threats & Opportunities

followed by updates and discussion on topical issues including Upper Meola Creek Rehabilitation, Meola Creek Wetlands and Enhancements, and Central Interceptor, plus issues raised by attendees.

Come along and have your say !

Please note the date and pass on the information to anyone who might be interested.
A flyer for distribution or posting can be downloaded here :
All welcome – hope to see you at historic Alberton house at the top of the catchment.

Thanks to Alberton for providing our venue for over 10 years now.


Treeway Damage

May 24th, 2017

We are sad to report that since late April about 20 trees have been damaged on the Roy Clements Treeway  behind Mt Albert Grammar School. It started with cabbage trees and now includes manuka, mahoe and others, especially those between Lyon Ave and Alberton Ave. This is disturbing since the community has spent many hours planting these trees on this widely used boardwalk.

Help needed:  Anyone who has seen people loitering or has information about who has done this damage,

Please contact STEPS:    Thanks – your help is appreciated.

Meola Community Planting thank you

May 22nd, 2017

On a glorious sunny Sunday, Pat, Roy, Dennis, Nick, Sel, Freddie, Trevor, Lauren,Wendy, Mac, Boyan, Stephen, Jamie, Liz and others met to plant 300 plants in 4 diverse Meola sites:   

wetland, flood plain, rock forest and totara forest…a fantastic morning with a great sense of community. The water level in the wetland is the highest we can recall so we needed to plant in the shallower areas. Freddie singlehandedly planted a future manuka forest; Dennis & Trevor had worked with Sel to prepare some holes at the back of the rock forest in some of the more rocky areas.  Thank you to Sarah and AELB for the plants; also Geoff Davidson of Oratia and Rachel of Plantman. Thanks to Mac for the photo. Special thanks to all volunteers for their time and contribution.

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