Meola Creek Headwaters Clean Up

April 18th, 2017


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Three of us met on 29 April, and despite increasing rain, we collected rubbish on Meola Headwaters near Haverstock outfall on Kerr Taylor Park.   When the rain became too much, we retired to the closest café, gumboots and all.

We were delighted to be joined at Ahurangi by Alex Stone who  has now been assigned to work on the Roy Clements Treeway signs – it was a novel introduction and augurs well for the signs project.
2017 Ahu Mac

Ahurangi (Meola headwaters) starts behind the new housing development on Haverstock Road, and next to Plant and Food Research. It runs past the Kura Kaupapa, and the farm, then into Kerr Taylor Park, and it needs some care!

All STEPS members and supporters are invited to help.  We’ll collect rubbish and maybe some pest weeds for those that know them. Come join us for just an hour or so.

This clean up was a “Great Community Clean Up” event. Thanks for the support Warehouse and Neighbourly.

When:                        Saturday April 29, 2017,  10:00 – 11:30am

Where:                       Kerr Taylor Reserve Bridge


“Clean Water” package from Ministry for Environment

April 6th, 2017

See NZ Herald article on  Auckland’s unhealthy stormwater deposition in Waitemata Harbour and its ongoing impact on beaches.   Stormwater and Auckland beaches

For further information from STEPS see below Stormwater and Fresh Water submissions  and watch this space.

Successful Neighbours’ Day on Kerr-Taylor Reserve

April 3rd, 2017

On 2 April 2017 Fergusson Avenue residents, neighbours and STEPS members enjoyed a traditional NZ summer picnic on the Kerr Taylor Reserve.   We had a bouncy castle for kids and a sausage sizzle. Everyone brought food to share and a picnic rug to sit on. The event was delayed a week because of wet weather, so it was held on the first day after daylight saving, an hour later than usual.

At least 54 people attended – this could be an all-time record!   Younger children played on the castle from 2.30 pm onwards. Two sports minded fathers threw frisbees with older children, so many parents could lie back and relax while meeting some new people. We welcomed several families new to Fergusson Ave since our last picnic, and some new STEPS members.  We also welcomed four wonderful homestay students from Austria and their host Reuben. They helped by keeping count and providing chairs from home. They enjoyed the Roy Clements treeway so much they said they could sit there for an hour just watching and listening to tui. At the end some young families were entertained by a short sketch from ‘Beauty and the Beast’ staying until almost 6pm as the rain clouds loomed to the west.

Neighbours 2017

Thanks to Mike and Talia for arranging the bouncy castle with Neverland, John for cooking the sausages, Pat for providing the barbecue and table. And thanks to the many people who turned up, including Peter and Ori who played sports with older children.  Finally special thanks to June and Ellen for arranging behind the scenes.

Thanks to Albert Eden Local Board for their support. AlbertEden LB logo



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