On Friday Roy, Freddie, Trev and Liz went to the Treeway when it opened in the afternoon. Auckland Council had arranged a whakawātea or special blessing that day. We spoke with the kaikarakia and they explained they used water and a special ceremony for cleansing. The intent is to lift the heaviness that we as a community and as individuals feel after such a shattering event. We walked through the Treeway together on a lovely afternoon thinking about the person and their whanau, and the beauty of the surroundings.
Our community feels upset and unhappy. We extend our deep sympathy to the whanau of the unfortunate and undeserving victim of this crime.We thank the police, community, and all responders.
The crime status is explained here: www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/128789783/man-arrested-and-charged-with-murder-in-mount-albert-stabbing
Have you ever wondered what that floating device on Meola Creek near Pasadena Intermediate does and how it works?
Litter Trap on Waitītiko
Thanks to Heidi, the Kea Scout Leader at the Point Chev Air Scouts who asked the question. Healthy Waters at Auckland Council provided the following information.
The Meola litter trap was installed a while ago, It works by funnelling floating debris that is carried downstream by the current into the main compartment. The debris becomes trapped in the main compartment which can then be removed. Litter traps are inspected once a week and debris is removed.
The Meola litter trap also has a vertical grille (the part with a bit of purple graffiti on it in the attached photo) to prevent it being used as a bridge to cross the creek.