Archive for the tag 'contacts'

Contacts for Meola Creek Problems

March 31st, 2009

Pollution incidents should be reported immediately to ARC hotline:

Phone 377-3107

Abandoned shopping trolleys should be reported to:

Ellen Schindler Project Officer Compliance

Auckland City Environments

Auckland City Council
T: 353 9126

F: 353 9668

Blockages in the creek, other rubbish dumping in the creek, or problems relating to the boardwalk in the Mt Albert Grammar school grounds should be reported to:

Phillip Johansen


T: 624-4800

Tagging, stray dogs, problems with signs, graffiti or other items in the Kerr Taylor Reserve should be reported to:

Auckland City

T: 379-2020




Meola Creek

Auckland City Council – owner

One of only 5 Auckland City creeks owned by Auckland City and managed by Metrowater

Water and waste water (including sewage)

Metrowater – ‘Retail’ sewers

Watercare Services – ‘Wholesale’ sewers and outfalls at 96 Haverstock Rd and 3 Lyon Ave

Storm water

Auckland City Council – owner

Combined sewers (storm water and waste water)

Auckland City Council – owner

Contracts Metrowater to separate the sewers and jointly decide funding/ priorities

Creek bed

DOC – owns the water course in Meola Creek

DOC advises that it is managed by Auckland City Council

Water quality in Meola Creek

Auckland City
